homeowners insurance Tag

Though often overshadowed by hurricanes and earthquakes, fire remains one of the greatest risks facing homeowners. Consider the following: U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,375,000 fires in 2012 Residential fires caused 2,450 deaths and 13,900 injuries in 2011 On average, 7 people per...

Certificates of Insurance are documents provided by Agents to verify the existence of insurance coverage. They are commonly used when an agreement or contract requires a party to maintain specific types of insurance. For example, a Certificate of Insurance can be used when: A general...

One of our Insurance Carriers, Tower Hill Insurance Group has created a great video explaining how Catastrophic Ground Cover Collapse (CGCC) is covered by your homeowners insurance policy.If you'd like to learn more about this coverage in regards to your policy please contact us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Uv_cwZ4GQ Below...

Rate increases are necessary to maintain a company's ability to pay out claims during the worst catastrophes. One of our Insurance Carriers, Tower Hill Insurance Group has created a great video explaining how and why insurance rates change. If you have any questions about your...

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation is a not-for-profit government corporation insuring Florida homes and businesses that are unable to purchase property insurance in the private marketplace. As the "insurer of last resort," Citizens is actively trying to reduce its exposure by transferring policies to the private...